Catfish are normally native to South America and Africa. Most Catfish
are suitable to any aquarium. They forage for food at the bottom of
the tank, and others will be very happy eating the algae off the window
Sailfin Plec (Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps): This catfish is very similar to other cats - especially the Hypostomus
plecostomus, but is certainly not, and is in the Loricariid family. It can
be very large, and should be fine with other bottom feeders, although
it may fight its own species.
Size |
Origin |
Ease of keep |
Food |
Temp |
Type |
300 mm |
Peru |
Medium |
Algae, Vegetation |
24 C |
Friendly |

Otos (Otocinclus flexilis): These catfish are becoming very popular, as they graze on the
top of any leave, and remove algae. They are very peaceful, small and a good acquisition for any
Size |
Origin |
Ease of keep |
Food |
Temp |
Type |
50 mm |
S.America |
Easy |
Algae, Tab |
24 C |
Friendly |
Leopard Catfish (Corydoras aeneus): The body colouring of this fish has a grey - brown
sheen, with black spots allover. It is very similar to other Corydoras.
Size |
Origin |
Ease of keep |
Food |
Temp |
Type |
60 mm |
S.America |
Easy |
all foods |
24 C |
Friendly |
Bristlenose Catfish (Ancistrus cirrhosus): This is a peaceful fish, which would prefer a
large tank. Its a funny looking fish, with many thin tentacles on its face.
Would need clean water with plenty of oxygen.
Size |
Origin |
Ease of keep |
Food |
Temp |
Type |
80 mm |
S.America |
Easy |
Algae; flakes |
25 C |
Friendly |
Suckermouth Catfish (Hypostomus punctatus):The very large fish is elongated, spotted with
a green body colour. It has a distnctive ventral sucking mouth.
It does a good job of keeping the algae growth down in the aquarium. There is a smaller
version of this fish, which I have and gets to no bigger than 100 MM.
Size |
Origin |
Ease of keep |
Food |
Temp |
Type |
250 mm |
S.America |
Moderate |
green foods |
24 C |
Friendly |
Glass Catfish (Kryptopterus bicirrhus):These things are strange-almost totally
transparent, where obviously where they got their name from.
Size |
Origin |
Ease of keep |
Food |
Temp |
Type |
90 mm |
S.E.Asia |
Moderate |
All foods |
24 C |
Friendly |
See even more fish:
Different fish