These fish originate in South America and Africa. They are very
suitable fish for any aquarium, and their sizes vary. Tetras are probably the most famous of this
family, Neon Tetras are always popular. Don't forget about the Piranha,
a fearsome fish with a taste for flesh
Silver Dollar (Metynnis argenteus): Quite a popular fish. Peaceful, and is a schooler. Although you can only see the fins with a few
spots, this fish can get quite a few "pimples" on their body. Small, black spots so dont worry
straight away!!
Size |
Origin |
Ease of keep |
Food |
Temp |
Type |
130 mm |
Amazon |
Moderate |
Herbivore |
26 C |
Friendly |
Buenos Aires Tetra (Hemigrammus caudovittatus): This Tetra is a silver coloured bodied fish,
with a black stripe toward the lower area. The fins are dark orange. These fish
tend to schoal.
Size |
Origin |
Ease of keep |
Food |
Temp |
Type |
65 mm |
S.America |
Moderate |
all foods |
24 C |
Friendly |
Serpea Tetra (): This is a very colourful Tetra, and
I have 4 of these in one of my aquariums. They are a very fast swimming
fish, very hard to catch with a net. They can behave aggresively to
a weaker fish of there species when there is insufficient food.
Size |
Origin |
Ease of keep |
Food |
Temp |
Type |
30 mm |
S.America |
Moderate |
all foods |
24 C |
Friendly |
Black-Winged Hatchfish (Carnegiella marthae): This has a unusual shaped fish. It is basically
brown, with a black rim across the body, which has many spots. It can also "fly"
above the water, by flapping its pectoral fins, so make sure that the
cover is closed.
Size |
Origin |
Ease of keep |
Food |
Temp |
Type |
35 mm |
India |
Easy |
Floating foods |
24 C |
Friendly |
Diamond Tetra (Moenkhausia pittieri): This is a attractive fish, with violet and green
scales. The fins are grey-violet with white edges.
Size |
Origin |
Ease of keep |
Food |
Temp |
Type |
75 mm |
S.America |
Moderate |
all foods |
24 C |
Friendly |

Rummy-nosed Tetra (Hemigrammus rhodostomus): This fish has a silver coloured body, a black
and white caudal fin and a very red face. It is avery shy fish,
and very sensetive to changes in water conditions.
Size |
Origin |
Ease of keep |
Food |
Temp |
Type |
55 mm |
S.America |
Difficult |
all foods |
24 C |
Friendly |

Lemon Tetra (Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis): The body colouring is a very pale yellow, although
the leading edge of the anal fin is bright yellow. There are
"albino" forms now
Size |
Origin |
Ease of keep |
Food |
Temp |
Type |
55 mm |
S.America |
Easy |
all foods |
24 C |
Friendly |

Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi): With a red colouration topped by an electric-blue flash,
this is a very popular little fish. Occasionaly it falls victim to the
incurable Neon Disease
Size |
Origin |
Ease of keep |
Food |
Temp |
Type |
45 mm |
S.America |
Moderate |
all foods |
24 C |
Friendly |

Red Piranha (Serrasalmus nattereri): The "Jaws" of the freshwater tropical aquarium, I'm
sure that everyone has heard of this fish. Its teeth-filled mouth
and aggresive nature makes it suitable only for a piranha only tank.
Size |
Origin |
Ease of keep |
Food |
Temp |
Type |
300 mm |
S.America |
Moderately easy |
Meat |
24 C |
Species |