Originating in Europe, Asia, Africa and America this family has a
wide choice of hardy, colourful and moderately fish.
These are some of my favourite fish, in particular the Barbs. Barbs are
very active fish and are very tough creatures. Cyprinids
have one unique feature: they have no teeth in their jaws, instead
they grind up their food using teeth in their necks
Bala/Silver Shark (Balantiocheilus melanopterus): The bala shark is a very popular fish, but they can be a problem, simply because they can become
very large. Its a peaceful fish, which can be kept with smaller tankmates.
The species can be a jumper, so make sure the tank has a lid, and the fish
can make audible sounds.
Size |
Origin |
Ease of keep |
Food |
Temp |
Type |
130 mm |
Asia |
Moderate |
all foods |
24 C |
Friendly |
Picture - Notcatfish.com .

Checkered Barb (Barbus oligolepis): Nice looking fish, a sort of orange/brown colour. Males tend to be larger, and the colours
can be more intense. Would do best in a school
Size |
Origin |
Ease of keep |
Food |
Temp |
Type |
50 mm |
Indonesia |
Easy |
all foods |
24 C |
Friendly |
Red Tailed Black Shark (Epalzeorhynchus bicolor): A popular fish, with a striking red/black contrast, very attractive. It tends to be a loner,
as its territorial and could be aggresive especially with its own specie. Needs a lot of space to
tolerate other tankmates
Size |
Origin |
Ease of keep |
Food |
Temp |
Type |
120 mm |
Thailand |
Moderately |
all foods |
24 C |
Tolerant |
Picture - Richard's Aqua Site .
Black Ruby Barb* (Barbus nigrofasciati): The Ruby Barb makes a dramatic change in colour when its breeding time.
Of course I didn't know of it at the time, it was a worrying sight.
The body becomes very black-red colour, where the head looks
more of a deep purple hue. It has stripes across its body
Size |
Origin |
Ease of keep |
Food |
Temp |
Type |
60 mm |
Sri Lanka |
Easy |
all foods |
24 C |
Friendly |
Green Tiger Barb* (): A variation from the original Tiger barb, it has a dark green
body, with splashes of orange on the face and on fins. The females are less colourful.
* Although many Barbs will mix well with other fast swimming fish, any other
slow moving and long tailed fish may well be nipped constantly. Watch out!!
Size |
Origin |
Ease of keep |
Food |
Temp |
Type |
50 mm |
Sumatra |
Easy |
all foods |
24 C |
Friendly |

Pearl Danio (Brachydanio albolineatus): The Pearl Danio usually keeps to the upper levels, where it is
constantly looking for food. It is therefore a good idea to keep the
lid firmly closed, so it can't jump out.
Size |
Origin |
Ease of keep |
Food |
Temp |
Type |
55 mm |
S.E.Asia |
Easy |
all foods |
24 C |
Friendly |
Rosy Barb (Barbus conchonius): The Rosy Barb is a hardy and colourful fish. Its
very ready to breed, and mature males change to a deep pink
colour when they get a bit randy.
Size |
Origin |
Ease of keep |
Food |
Temp |
Type |
100 mm |
N.India |
Easy |
all foods |
24 C |
Friendly |

Zebra Danio (Brachydanio rerio): This fish is covered in alternative horizontal
stripes of dark blue and silver. The fish is very hardy, and is often
a exciting fish as they are very active.
Size |
Origin |
Ease of keep |
Food |
Temp |
Type |
45 mm |
Eastern India |
Easy |
all foods |
24 C |
Friendly |
Flying Fox (Epalzeorhynchus kallopterus): This is a peaceful fish, but is territorial and will defend its space.
Its a good algae eater, but do not eat Thread algae
Size |
Origin |
Ease of keep |
Food |
Temp |
Type |
150 mm |
Thailand |
Moderate |
Algae, lettuce |
24 C |
Tolerant |