

Killifishes are normally found in Africa, Asia and South America. I said that the family are "Annual fish" meaning that the fish are relatively short-lived. Its typical that they are very attractive and colourful, and they also tend to be aggresive.

Steel-blue Aphyosemion: This fish is a impressive sight. You can blue body colours, with bright red vertical marks. Although I very nice looking fish, it is a very aggresive species

Size Origin Ease of keep Food Temp Type
70 mm Africa Easy all foods 24 C Species

Aphyosemion australe:
A great looking Killifishes. Quite a bright fish, and is a lively fish and is tolerate to most other tankmates

Size Origin Ease of keep Food Temp Type
50 mm Africa Moderate all foods 23 C Friendly
Picture - PETRA-AQUA

Aphyosemion striatum: This fish needs plenty of vegetation, and with subdued light. Likes to hide, and would prefer theb water to be slightly acid, about 6.0 - 6.5

Size Origin Ease of keep Food Temp Type
50 mm Africa Moderately easy Live foods 24 C Friendly
Picture - PETRA-AQUA

Aphyosemion gardneri:
Brightly coloured, with many red spots around the body. This is a aggresive fish, and will try to fin-nip at others

Size Origin Ease of keep Food Temp Type
60 mm Africa Moderately easy all foods 22-25 C Friendly

See even more fish: Characins, Cyprinids, Cichlids, Anabantoids, Livebearers, Catfishes, Different fish  
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