Steve's (Dr S Feelgood) Aquarium

Name: Steve (Dr S Feelgood).
Tank Details: Living world 3ft.
The Fish: 1 Sailfin Pleco (To go back to LFS when too large),
1 Pleco (standard type),
2 Angelfish (Babies),
8 Neon Tetra (Still alive!),
2 Glass/Ghost Catfish,
1 Siamese Fighter (Male Betta Splendens),
1 Blackskirt Tetra,
1 Platy plus 3 almost adult fry,
2 Rainbowfish,
1 Coolie Loach,
2 Peppered Corydoras,
1 Balashark (Silvershark).
Comments: The tank is looking better and better as it goes
along. I feed the Plecos on cucumber hanging from a veggie clip
which sucks to the side of the tank. I currently use plastic
plantation, but am looking to put live ones in soon (after seeing
how good it can look).