
Stacy Clark's Aquarium

Name: Stacy Clark.

Tank Details: 24"L X 12"W X 21"H 25 gallon tall tank.

The Fish: Giant Danios, Albino and regular Tiger Barbs, 2 small plecos, 2 senegal bichir's (which I don't know much about) Can't put anything small in this tank it is dinner. The tiger barbs, danios, and the bichirs love feeder fish.

Comments: I'm running 2 HOB filters, a Wardley SandMan 10-38 gallon and a Penguin Biowheel 125. There's a 150 watt submersible heater and about 2 and a half inches of pea gravel.

The Plants: There is a water sprite on the far left, and three brazil swords, and in the front a bannana plant.

Tropical Fish Centre Tropical Fish Centre Tropical Fish Centre Tropical Fish Centre