Sarge's Aquarium

Name: Sarge.
Tank Details: 48"x18"x18" 55 gallon all glass aquarium.
The Fish: glow light, neon, cardinal, black phantom and bleeding
heart tetra's,
flying foxes, clown loaches, pleco, red tail black shark, hatchet
fish, white cloud minnows, opaline and dwarf gourami's, and a couple
of mollies/platies.
Comments: Lighting, 40w aquaglo, 40w powerglow
and 2x25w glow lux tubes on 10hr pin timers.
DIY C02 into filter intake.
Substrate, mixed laterite, fine and pea gravel to a max depth of 7" with root tabs added every 2 weeks
Filtration, Trio 3000 internal and a fluval external filters. Ammonia - nil;
Nitrite - nil;
Nitrate - 15-20 ppm.
Plants: Windelov,bacopa,various vallis, amazon swords, various crypts, Hygro polysperma, + a few unknowns.