
Lynne's Aquarium

New Pic - 08/07/00

New Pic - 08/07/00

Name: Lynne

Tank Details: 30"x12"x15", 85 litre capacity.

The Fish: 5 guppies, 2 platies, 2 dwarf gourami's, 2 red robin gourami's, pair swortails (+ baby), 3 corys, 2 clown loach, 1 pleco.

Comments:Interpet filter with foam and carbon compartments, 100 watt Tronic heater, air pump for bubble wall, Triton light. Small rounded gravel has provided a good rooting place for my plants which are already growing well! Plus 5 types of plants, none of which I know the names of (sorry).

Tropical Fish Centre Tropical Fish Centre Tropical Fish Centre Tropical Fish Centre