Felicity Hay's Aquarium

Name: Felicity Hay.
Tank Details: My tank is a eclipse system six it's a Bio-wheel
filter it is so easy to maintain,I am 12 years old and this
is my first tank and I love it!! I would recomend this Aquarium
to any one.
The Fish: I have 2 bristle-nosed catfish, 1 male siamese
fighting fish, 1 mini shark, 3 glowlights (Red-lined Rasbora) and
I am thinking of getting a couple more (webmaster's comment - The bristle noses
may get up to 4", in that small aquarium, may do much better with Otos. Keep a
close eye on the nitrates level there).
Comments: I got my tank from America, the lighting is
speical it helps my plants to grow (My plants are real) and brings
out the best colours in my fish, My fish tank is six gallon small
but I love it!